I settled in Canada (Montreal) back in 2005 - the first thing I installed in my apartment was a high speed internet connection from Bell, a major nationwide internet provider. Back then I had 5 Mbps download speed and 1 Mbps upload speed with unlimited...
I live in downtown Montreal - my place is just a few blocks away from Apple's main store in Montreal (I don't know whether there's another retail store on the island) and nearly every week, I walk by the store at least 3 times...
I remember that a...
In case you don't know - WhatsApp is the mobile app that has literally killed SMS (and MMS) - especially international SMS (which traffic has been reduced by 80% to 90% according to conservative reports because of WhatsApp). WhatsApp also made the...
"Let's make an iWatch, no let's give crazy dividends, or maybe we should create low cost iPhones, or perhaps we should lower the prices for all iPhones across the board? You know what, let's do all that, and see if the stock goes up again."
The above,...
The publicly traded company Best Buy, has decided, all of a sudden, to close my favorite Futureshop. It was the one in the Pepsi Forum west of Montreal's downtown. I usually go there every week there to see what's new when it comes to technology - but...
Every time I read a story on how bad Sony is doing, I feel there is something fishy happening inside the company at the corporate level (and not at the production level). Sony's products are by far the best, yet they have been losing money consistently...
As mentioned earlier, I do have two lines of credit from two different banks here in Canada (both are Big 5 banks). Some of the questions people frequently ask me "Are there any fees for lines of credit here in Canada, and if yes, then how much?"
This is a followup to my post yesterday "How to Get an Unsecured Line of Credit in Canada?"
Currently I have 2 unsecured lines of credit in Canada. Both of them are for the same amount and each is from a different bank. I often get friends asking me:...
Unsecured lines of credit are an excellent way to fund a business because of three things:
Low interest rates: The interest rate on an unsecured line of credit is much lower than the interest rate on a credit card as well as other types of loans...
Every since the release of the disappointing iPhone 5, AAPL was sliding in a downhill. Some investors wonder, how low will AAPL go? A few months ago, everyone thought that $600 was an unbreakable support level. A week ago, everyone thought that $500 was...