September 30, 2011 | In: Trivia

When Was the NASDAQ Created?

While writing an article yesterday on the difference between the NASDAQ composite and the NASDAQ 100 indexes I thought of something. When was the NASDAQ actually created? And who created it? And why is NASDAQ called NASDAQ?

So I did a research to find an answer to my question, and here’s what I found:

– The NASDAQ was created in 1971 (February 4th, 1971, to be exact). Which makes the NASDAQ now 40 years old.
– The NASDAQ was founded by the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) which was later called the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (or FINRA – yes, you’re right, there’s no reason for the N to exist in the acronym, but FINRA is a nicer name than FIRA). FINRA was founded back 1939.
– It is called NASDAQ because it stands for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations

1 Response to When Was the NASDAQ Created?


Average Stock Market Return for 2011 « Fadi El-Eter

January 4th, 2012 at 8:19 pm

[…] was there to the rescue, as the heavyweight stock went up around 25% in 2011, lifting the index. (here’s a little tidbit on the NASDAQ, in case you’re wondering when it was created and what does the word NASDAQ […]

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