August 23, 2010 | In: Consumer Cyclical, Opinion

Avoid the General Motors IPO Like the Plague

While I always thought the most annoying song in the world was this one, it becomes even worse when I hear it every 15 minutes in a GM advertisement, who are generous and kind enough to give “employee prices” to the Canadian public that bailed out their Canadian operation. Thanks GM!

Now let’s talk about GM from purely an investor’s perspective, GM is a company…

– That is loathed by the American public.
– That is now owned by the US government.
– That has no transparency, and that misleads the public opinion by paying a government loan with another government loan.
– That is producing a car that costs $81,000 to make while selling it at around $40,000 (and you can get it for much less after federal and state subsidies).
– That is controlled and manipulated by the UAW, the automobile (and other things union) that will suck the blood of any company.
– That produces bad cars that are constantly recalled, but nobody really cares, after all, it’s not like a scandal.
– That changes names. GM first stood for “General Motors”, then it changed name to “Garbage Motors”, and ultimately to “Government Motors”.

Now look at all the above, would you like to buy into this company, and support its debt, so it would continue to produce bad cars, suck taxpayers money (who’ve had enough already), and probably will never get out of debt anyway, without federal support.

Maybe there’s a glimpse of hope but I (as well as most other investors) don’t see it.

Save for the elect few, nobody really knows how many shares will be listed and the price of each share. The only thing that we do know at the moment is that the stock symbol will be “GM“.

GM closed at 0 on Friday, which is probably more than what it’s really worth.

1 Response to Avoid the General Motors IPO Like the Plague


The Most Hated Stocks « Fadi El-Eter

January 11th, 2012 at 6:20 pm

[…] and self-destroying union, and the same crazy strategy for selling cars for less their cost. I have warned about it even before it became public. It’s no wonder that real investors don’t touch this stock, unless they want to short […]

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