August 5, 2011 | In: General
How Much Did the US Stock Market Lose on August 4, 2011?
I’m sure you’ve already heard about the bloodbath yesterday on Wall Street. The Dow was down 4.31% and the S&P 500 was down 4.78%. The market is obviously in panic mode. I think at this point, it would be interesting to know how much money the stock market has lost.
Nearly a month ago, I have calculated the total value of the stock market, and back then it amounted to $23.34 trillion. Now it’s easy to assume that the total loss in the stock market (by looking at the Dow and the S&P movement) was around 4.5% on August 4th. So, the total loss, in dollars, would be: $23.34 trillion x 4.5% = $1.04 trillion. Yes, the stock market lost more than $1 trillion in only one day. For those of you who hate stock traders and are gloating, don’t. Stock trading is a job like any other job, except that the person is working with money. It’s not nice to be happy when others are losing. Some investors lost quite a bit of money yesterday, and no, “it’s not easy comes, easy goes”. Try to live with the stress for a few days and you’ll see what I mean!