August 10, 2010 | In: Uncategorized

HP CEO: A Scandal, Yet Nothing Happened

I’m sure everyone heard about Michael Hurd, who was the subject of a scandal involving a contractor, Jodie Fisher, who was also an actress.

Both insist that nothing happened, yet she got money off of him, he got fired (but he did get a good severance package) for breaking the company work of ethics. Hmmmm! Bottom line is that the stock shed 8% of its value.

I am wondering about 2 things:

– What happened? Did they do it or not? If they both keep on claiming that nothing happened, so what is the fuss about? Why did he lose his job over this? I’m sure HP won’t fire employees for watching one of Jodie’s R rated movies.
– Will HP suffer the same fate as Apple when the latter fired Steve Jobs? Apparently, some people think it will! To be honest, I think HP sucked before Hurd was the CEO, and it will suck again after he leaves. Dell, Toshiba, and Sony must be laughing right now.

I think that the stock has not gone through the full correction yet, and there will be an entry point at around $40.

2 Responses to HP CEO: A Scandal, Yet Nothing Happened


A New Era For Oracle? « Fadi El-Eter

September 6th, 2010 at 3:22 am

[…] Hurd, the former HP CEO who resigned (or got fired) after a scandal that wasn’t really as scandal, is currently in talks with Oracle, where he may assume a top […]


Is HPQ a Buy or Sell? « Fadi El-Eter

August 31st, 2011 at 12:39 pm

[…] judging from what HP is doing since the departure of Mark Hurd over a scandal that wasn’t really a scandal, I’d say that the stock is a sell, and not only a sell, it is a very very strong sell. HPQ […]

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